Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Your Personal Brand In 2024

Why You Can't Afford to Ignore Your Personal Brand In 2024

Vinay Mora

Vinay Mora

Jun 10, 2024

Jun 10, 2024

Blue Flower
Blue Flower
Blue Flower

One of my clients, an early-stage Founder/CEO, hit me hard with a simple question during one of our strategy sessions:

"You help many CEOs with their personal branding, but I never saw you post a thing on your LinkedIn."


He was right.

I had reasons. Excuses, really.

Too busy. Too focused on clients.

But none of those hold water when you're supposed to lead by example.

I spend almost every hour of my work life helping clients with their personal brands and companies with their content/design requirements.

So focused on their success, I forgot mine.

I've become so engrossed in helping others that I've neglected my own presence, leaving me vulnerable.

If I lost my clients, I'd be starting from scratch. While I do have connections, rebuilding without a strong social reputation would be challenging and slow.

Would be VERY unpleasant.

In a world where your social reputation is EVERYTHING, this is crucial not just for me, but for the family I support and the loyal team that depends on me.

So, this is me. Signing up myself as my new client.

Sounds strange, but it's true.

I need to do for me what I do for others.

Start building. Start posting. Show up, just like I ask my clients to.

No more hiding behind busy schedules.

No more excuses.

It's time to lead by example.

It’s time for me to carve out a reputation.

Trust me, it feels weird. Almost uncomfortable. But it's necessary.

I need to step up. For me. For my family. For my team.

I can't preach about personal branding and ignore my own.

Time to walk the talk.

Today, it all changes.

I’m committing to my presence online. Committing to my brand.

Starting from scratch, just like many of my clients did.

It's a journey. One I’ll take step by step, post by post.

It’s not just about survival.

It’s about thriving. About ensuring I lead by the same examples I set for my clients.

If you're reading this, hold me accountable.

Watch my journey. Maybe even join me.

Because sometimes, the best project you can work on SHOULD BE yourself.

To all the founders, CEOs, and hustlers out there – does this story sound familiar?

We get so caught up in the grind, we forget about ourselves.

Our personal brands.

You might be scaling businesses, meeting deadlines, and leading teams.

But if you stay behind the scenes:

  • You've way less leverage over everything you've ever done — when it vanishes—it's gone forever! You'll have to start from absolute scratch!

  • People no longer trust the average company, but with a founder/CEO can bridge this gap by becoming the face of their business online.

It's time.

To come forward from behind the scenes.

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